One of the keys to staying off refined sugar, and having a little energy boost throughout the day are these delicious little balls of nutrients. We always have a couple of different types of energy balls in the house, but these are definitely my go-to when I need a boost. I love grinding sunflowers in the food processor, then adding the other ingredients. Gets the darkest cocoa you can – you will have higher anti-oxidant power, too.
- 1/2 cup of raw sunflower seeds.
- 3/4 cup dates, soaked in water
- 1/2 cup almond butter
- 1 cup almonds
- 1/2 cup walnuts
- 1//3 cup dark cocoa
- 2 tbsp hemp seeds.
- 1/4 cup coconut
- Almond milk to thin.
Soak the dates in warm water, draining the liquid before use. Puree sunflower seeds to a fine crumb, then add walnuts, almonds and almond butter, walnuts dates, and cocoa and hemp seeds scarping sides of food processor. Roll into 2 inch balls, coating in coconut if preferred.