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Green Smoothie Round Up

If we want to look at the health benefits for having green smoothies, the list goes on and on:

  • Green Smoothies are filled with green veggies such as kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, chard which are full of fibre and nutrients to help you both stay full and nourished.
  • Green Smoothies are hydrating and an easy-go to snack, Double up the recipes below to have extra for a mid-afternoon snack or when your blood sugar levels are low.
  • Kale is high in Vitamin K and is anti-inflammatory, meaning it helps heal the gut; spinach is rich in iron and easy on the system.
  • You can sneak veggies like frozen cauliflower, avocado, carrots and even lettuce!
  • Smoothies are easily modifiable you can switch up a green smoothie so you never have the same thing twice. Switch out almond milk for cashew milk, water for coconut water!
  • For a quick meal prep tip: Place your greens, frozen veggies, frozen fruit, grated turmeric or ginger, banana and boosters like chia or hemp seeds into a small ziplock and pop into the freezer and then pull them out and add liquid.

Apple-Kiwi Smoothie

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are good for our cardiovascular system and help regulate blood sugar. Kiwi is rich in Vitamin C.

Spinach Smoothie

Spinach as the star of the show, with almond butter, nut milk and banana. Simple and nourishing.

Green Detox Smoothie

Ginger and chia seeds, along with apple and celery. This one should be a staple.

Best Green Smoothie with Mango and Pineapple

A little tropical fruit makes everyone happy.

Mix and Match Green Smoothies

A definitive guide to mixing up different veggies, frozen fruit and liquids. If you lack inspiration, just randomly pick from column A, B and C and then add a booster – chia, hemp, collagen.

A bunch of delicious green smoothies

Snickerdoodle, pomegranate spinach, smoothie bowl. There are so many options here. Enjoy.

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