You are currently viewing Sour Cherry Probiotic Smoothie

Sour Cherry Probiotic Smoothie

We can help our gut in the best way and help our bodies recover from exercise by making this super easy and adaptable smoothie (see options below) Kefir (dairy-free option) is highly probiotic and easy to find in most grocery stores. It is nutrition-rich fermented milk, high in calcium, protein and Vitamin D and Riboflavin.

I love cherries, and if you make this in cherry season feel free to pit and add fresh cherries. Sour cherries have been proven in numerous studies to help repair muscles. The flax seed will add fibre which keeps you full longer and the cinnamon adds a hint of anti-inflammation power too.

This will make two servings and will keep in the fridge for a day.


  • 1/2 cup frozen sour cherries
  • 1/2 cup sweet frozen cherries
  • 1/2 frozen banana OR omit an add 2 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds
  • 1 cup Kerif
  • 1.2 Cup filtered water to thin


  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a high speed blender and serve immediately


Cherry-Lime Smoothie:

  1. Zest and Juice one lime and add it to the ingredients before blendeing

Cherry-Coconut Smoothie

  1. Add 1/4 cup dried coconut, or 1 tbsp creamed coconut

Chocolate-Cherry Smoothie

  1. Do not omit the banana and add 1/4 cup dark rich cocoa powder.

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