Every dressing needs a quality fat, a nice avid and a little bit of something something. Apple Cider Vinegar has a wonderful flavour. Be on the lookout for Apple Cider Vinegar that contains “Mother” – a substance which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give it that murky appearance in the bottom. There isn’t a ton of research that supports the health benefits, but many believe it helps with weight loss and to reduce bloating. It also contains many vitamins, minerals and some brands have amino acids and antioxidants.
But I love it because it is just delicious. Especially in a dressing like this. Try some baby leaf lettuce, diced chopped apple, celery and toasted walnuts tossed with this magical dressing. Red or chopped green onion might be lovely, too.
Add some grilled chicken or quinoa and you’ve got yourself a delightful lunch.
- 1/2 cup good olive oil
- 1.4 cup quality Apple Cider Vinegar (I am a fan of Bragg’s)
- 2 tbsp grainy dijon mustard
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1/4 cup water
- Optional 1 tsp finely chopped rosemary
Whisk all the ingredients in a bowl or place in a mason jar. Store in fridge – will keep for a few weeks! Make sure you give it a good shake each time you use it.